Is there a children’s program, or can my children stay with me in church?
Your children are welcome to stay with you in church, or to participate in our children’s programs, which take place during the 9:30 am service. Childcare for children aged 0 to 3 years is available every Sunday in Grannie’s Place (just ask one of the Greeters for directions). During the school year, children in JK to Grade 8 are invited to participate in G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together). The children start the service in church, and then gather in the Youth Room. Most Sundays, the children in G.I.F.T. and teens will return to the church for communion.
Do I need to give money for a collection?
We don’t normally pass the collection plate at St. Christopher’s. Instead, if you wish to make a financial contribution to support our ministries, there are donation boxes just inside each door into the worship space. If you are visiting us for the first time, we wouldn’t expect you to make a financial gift anyway – we’d rather ask you to pay attention to God’s blessings in your life, and, if you choose to return next week, make your gift then.
What about Communion?
Communion, also called the Eucharist, is a central part of our worship, and takes place at each service, every Sunday. All people, no matter what their age or phase in their spiritual journey, are invited to join us in Communion. If you are not comfortable receiving the bread and wine, you can go forward to receive a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest and the priest will put his or her hand on your head or shoulder and pray for God’s blessing on you.
I have mobility issues: is St. Christopher’s accessible?
St. Christopher’s is fully accessible, including the washrooms. We also have a T-loop in the worship space for those with hearing issues.
What on earth is the “Narthex?”
The Narthex is one of those ‘church’ words, and simply means the gathering place as you come into church. We have included a guide to some of these church words, and also a guide to some of the names and acronyms you may hear around St. Christopher’s:
Family Room – A comfortable space off the Narthex used for social activities and meetings.
G.I.F.T. – Growing in Faith Together – 9:30 am Sunday School for children up to grade 8
Great Hall – The largest gathering space in the building – It is used for gathering after the 9:30 am service and for many other activities.
Nave – The main part of the Church where the congregation sits for services.
Open Doors – Our community outreach program
Sanctuary – The front part of the church where the altar is located.
Do I need to wear a hat?
In these days of “Casual Fridays” and “Business Casual”, it is sometimes difficult to know what appropriate dress is. We generally would say, wear what you are comfortable to wear to church. Overall, most people at St. Christopher’s would wear business casual or casual, but if you want to dress up, that’s OK too. So, if you want to wear jeans, that’s fine with us, lots of people do, and if you want to wear a hat, that’s fine too!