
Altar Guild

We work in teams to prepare the church for Sunday services, the special services at Christmas and Easter, and all funerals and weddings at St Christopher’s. We are also responsible for the floral decorations during those special times of Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.

Welcoming Team

Our teams welcome everyone who passes through the doors of St. Christopher’s on Sunday morning. Members also help seat and assist the congregation during worship. (Approximately 4‑6 times a year)

Eucharistic Assistant

Our Lay members help administer communion on Sunday mornings. Authorized for a two‑year period, assistants administer the elements as part of the liturgy team on a regular basis. Training is available.

Hospitality Team

Our teams of 4‑6 people for each service are responsible for the set-up of the hospitality area, making the tea, coffee and juice, and putting out cookies for each service. (Approximately 3‑4 times a year)


We prepare and offer the Prayers of the People during the 8:00 am or 9:30 am services on a regularly scheduled basis. Resource materials are available. (Approximately 6 times per year)


Our members of the Readers’ Guild read the assigned weekly bible lesson during the services, on a regularly scheduled basis. (Approximately 3‑4 times a year)