How We Care

Guiding Principles

We care for all members of our community, whether you are able to come to church or not, and;

  • If parishioners are in hospital, they are visited;
  • If they are unable to come to church, they stay connected;
  • If they are bereaved, they are comforted;
  • If they are going through a tough time, they know they are not alone

Our care is supported through prayer and appropriate sacramental ministry.

Being a ‘Compassion and Care’ Volunteer

Being a volunteer in the caring ministry is rewarding as well as challenging. If you have compassion, and enjoy interacting with people, this ministry may be an opportunity for you. Please talk to David Montgomery or Canon Penny for more information.


The Prayer List is published in the Email Blast each week. Please contact the church office to have someone added to the Prayer List.

As an alternative to the Prayer List, a request may be made to be included in the Prayer Chain. Requests are usually made through the clergy. Prayer is offered every day for two weeks, by volunteers who include the request in their daily prayers. This ministry is completely confidential. The length of time can be extended as necessary.

Visiting Ministries

If you, or someone you know, are unable to get to St Christopher’s because of illness, frailty, or just having a difficult time, parish volunteers or clergy can visit. Visits can be arranged on a regular basis or just once in a while. You may wish a friendly visit, or phone call to keep in touch, or you may have a pastoral situation you wish to discuss. Communion may also be offered, at home or in hospital, by a member of clergy or by a trained lay volunteer.

Retirement Community Services

We offer regular monthly services of Communion at Christopher Terrace, Burloak, Billings Court, Appleby Place, and Pearl & Pine communities.

Mental Health Care Partners’ Support Group

Providing care to loved ones experiencing mental health challenges can be overwhelming. Come join a safe and confidential space with others on a caregiving journey to share experiences, discuss concerns, and be supported by others confronted with similar situations. Facilitated by our Pastoral Associate, David Montgomery, this group meets in-person in the Family Room or you can join via Zoom link. Gatherings occur monthly on the fourth Monday at 7 pm, except for December, July, and August.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Members of the community knit or crochet, to lovingly and prayerfully create prayer shawls. They meet on the last Thursday of each month in the Family Room. The shawls are blessed and are distributed to those in need of special comfort, or to mark milestone events in people’s lives.

Special Services

Special reflective services, such as ‘A Quiet Christmas’, and All Souls’ Day, are held at various times during the year. Dates and times are announced in the Bulletin, and in The Messenger, as well as online.